for thought
09th Oct, 2014
Every time I visited the supermarket this last month, there…
25th Sep, 2014
20 odd years ago when my family used to make…
24th Sep, 2014
Ever since I made a conscious decision to move towards…
My Darling Clementine | Roast Duck and Clementine Salad
09th Oct, 2014, by Drina Cabral
Every time I visited the supermarket this last month, there they were; screaming and calling out to me. Beautiful orange globules of silk-skinned clementines tethered to their green stems- a sign of divine freshness. When I am asked, what fruits I would like from the supermarket; its the first thing that would always come to mind and this month has been a pure bliss. So why do I like them so much? Well unlike most other citrus, they can be peeled so easily without much of a mess and without having any juice drip down your hands. Often times when peeling an orange I am left with the white pith getting wedged into my nails, juice all over my hands and by then I would have spent at least 15 minutes before plopping a piece into my mouth. These little 2-inch sized, mandarin and sweet orange hybrids, are insanely juicy, have the perfect balance of sweet and tang, and are packed with antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Folates, Potassium, Copper with several other minerals. In fact, a clementine is believed to provide almost a 100{27bcc782c53bd5bf5debe5bcee3ec2146fdff40b0ebc14ff8a326c92eeb450f8} of your Vitamin C for your daily vitamin requirement. Having been invited to a BBQ, I decided to put these beauties to use and worked towards a Roast duck and Clementine salad with a Clementine vinaigrette. Unlike most European and Western countries, as the weather gets cooler in Dubai, everyone starts to head outdoors; outdoor sporting activities, beach parties, BBQ's, boat/yacht parties, the notorious brunches and the list goes on. This refreshing salad is perfect to compliment your juicy meats. I dare say its the easiest salad in the world; but if you have your duck/chicken/pork/beef/lamb roasted the night before this is perfect; and yes easy... if the meat is roasted/prepared the night before. This salad is actually quite ideal for leftover roasts; forget those decadent pulled pork/duck/chicken/lamb/beef sandwiches and go with a healthy, no carbs and nutritious option instead.   Eaternally Yours, Drina C. [gmc_recipe 2734] [gmc_recipe 2742]